Chrissy B Show
18th December 2015
Watch on YouTube
Chrissy B Show
20th November 2015
Watch on YouTube
Really TV Online, Hannah Verdier
Week commencing February 2012. Piece on How you know when your boyfriend is cheating and what to do about it. Website at:
BBC Radio 4
Interviewed by Jane Garvey on Women’s Hour with Denise Robertson about Giving Advice.
Listen to the episode of Women’s Hour
Melbourne Radio
Interviewed on 27th April 2012 6.20am about the article in the Daily Mail on how cheating at checkouts is turning us into a nation of self-service shoplifters
BBC Radio Humberside & Lincolnshire, David Burns
Interviewed on 26th Aril 2013 12.30pm by David Burns about the article in the Daily Mail on how cheating at checkouts is turning us into a nation of self-service shoplifters
91.8 Hayes FM Morning Show Brooke Burfitt
Interviewed Wednesday 30th May at 11.05am by Brooke Burfitt on Stay or Leave and finding the courage to leave unhappy relationships or to make the one you’re in more satisfying for everyone.
Click here to listen to interview
BBC Guernsey mid-morning programme, Jenny Kendall-Tobias
Monday 26th February 2012, 10.10am. Interviewed by Jenny Kendall-Tobias about being authentic at work, and how to deal with company politics
BBC London Radio, Vanessa Feltz
Friday 24th 2012, 10.20am interviewed about the pros and cons of generations living together in one house and how to improve relationships when it’s not going well. Listen again on BBC iPlayer:
Talk Radio Europe (Southern Spain) Selina MacKenzie Show
Wednesday 15th February, 9.30pm (GMT) talking to Selina about whether to stay or leave in a difficult relationship.
BBC Radio Solent The Kellie Martin Show
Thursday 9th February, 2.35pm interviewed on having a relationship MOT with Valentine’s Day reminding us that our relationship isn’t all candy and flowers, identifying the problems and deciding whether they’re deal breakers or solvable.
BBC Guernsey Mid-Morning Programme with Jenny Kendall-Tobias
Talking to Jenny about the 16th January 2012 Daily Mail feature article on Stay or Leave’s 6 Steps to resolving your relationship indecision. Aired on January 17th at 10.45am. You can hear it on:
Talk Radio Europe, Your Voice in Spain with Hannah Murray
Talking to Hannah about the 16th January 2012 Daily Mail feature article on Stay or Leave’s 6 Steps to resolving your relationship indecision. Aired on January 17th at 12.40pm. You can listen to it here.
Radio Cork’s RedFM 104 –106 Victor Barry
Monday 9th January 2012 10.30am
Beverley talks to Victor Barry about celebrity marriage and divorce (Katy Perry, Russell Brand,Sinead O’Connor) and unhappy relationships generally and what to do about them. Listen at:
BBC Humberside David Burns Morning Show
David Burns and I spoke on 3rd January 2012 about how you know if your relationship is over, what to do to improve it if you want to stay and how my approach on how to take the Big Decision and you can listen again here (I’m on at the 2.22 mark):
BBC Coventry & Warwickshire Annie Othen Show
My second interview was on the Annie Othen show on 2nd January 2012 at 11.10am where we talked about the high January divorce rate an whether people give in too easily amongst other things. You can listen to it here:
BBC RADIO JERSEY Carie and Sara Show
I did my first interview for Stay or Leave? on BBC Radio Jersey, on 12th December 2011. You can listen again here (I’m on at the 2.20 mark):
Metro, Monday 5th Sept. 2022
Article by Josh Layton in which I provide comments on Liz Truss and where the headline quotes my words “Liz Truss ‘should have been bigger’ and acknowledged Rishi Sunak when announced leader”.
The Telegraph
Contributed business psychological perspective into the impact of Dominic Cummings’ unpredictable leadership style. Article by Ben Wright & Guy Kelly, 17th June 2021
Soul & Spirit Magazine December Issue out November 2013
Contributed techniques to feature article by Angela Kennedy on how to banish bad thoughts and think positively when things go wrong in life.
Psychologies Magazine December Issue out November 2013
Contributed latest science and thinking on what is required to make positive changes to our behaviour and habits for article on Change by Martha Roberts
GLAMOUR Magazine December issues out November 2013
Feature article entitled ‘Lessons From A Long Distance Love’ by Hanna Woodside Youthnetgoes live October 2013
Contributed psychological insights for two articles: ‘One Night Stands’ and ‘Afraid To Commit’ by Lauren Belcher Journalist for YouthNet went live June 2013
Contributed psychological insights for an article Office Romances by Holly Thompson journalist for YouthNet
Woman Magazine 25 June Issue out 18th June 2012
Article on why women put weight on at work e.g. shift work, working from home, eating in groups.
Marie Claire May Issue out April 2012
Feature article on one of my client’s who successfully resolved her relationship indecision and my humanistic-existential approach.
Healthy Living Magazine May issue out April 2012
Feature article on Stay or Leave: Six steps to resolving your relationship indecision entitled “6 Key Life-changing Steps to Find an Affirming Relationship”.
The Daily Mail 26th April 2012
How cheating at checkouts is turning us into a nation of self-service shoplifters.
Read more:
The Mirror 11th March 2012
The 10 most common causes of guilt and how to deal with them.
Read more:
Yorkshire Post Sheena Hastings Thursday 1st March 2012
Regrets? We’ve had a few… 45 minutes of them, to be precise.
Read more:
Staines Informer,Thursday 9th February.
Article on me as a local author of the book Stay or Leave?
The Daily Mail 16th January 2012
Mr Right? or just Mr Right Now?
If your relationship is in turmoil, a new book says that in just six easy steps you can work out whether he’s the one for you
You can read the two-page exclusive book extract on the Mail Online at:
The Irish Independent
“It may be tough, but sometimes it is better to end a relationship” Beverley Stone talks to Deirdre Reynolds in a feature on her new book Stay or Leave? In relation to Katy Perry, Russell Brand, Sinead O’Connor and other celebrity marriages and divorce. Read more:
If you’d like to read a synopsis of the book you can do so here at
Men’s Health Magazine December issue 2011
Deborah Willimott explores different scenarios with Business and Relationship Psychologist Beverley Stone to give tips on How to deal with the pros and cons of romances at work
The Psychologist September Issue 2011
Towards Healthier Meetings
Sick of Meetings? Joh Sutton and Abi Millar look at psychology for a cure with chartered business psychologist Beverley Stone and others
Company Magazine September issue 2011
The One Who Didn’t Get Away
Article about how your ex keeps popping up in social networks years after you’ve split up – or how you can still seek them out – and how to deal with the feelings this surfaces. (Article written by Arabella Well)
‘How to stop falling out with friends’
Executive PA Magazine June/July issue 2011
Forming friendships with work colleagues and how inter-office friendships can make or break your career. Cora Lydon Editor Executive PA Magazine, and chartered business psychologist Beverley Stone look at the best techniques for dealing with inter-office friendships in a number of different situations.
Women’s Own June issue 2011
How the group dynamics of the X factor judges panel will change when Simon Cowell joins David Haslehof, Michael Mcintyre and Amanda Holden next week. (Article written by Jonathan Bown)
The Daily Express and Saturday 23rd April 2011
I’ve lost my dog – can I have the week off, please? Article on why men find it harder to cope with the loss of a beloved pet
Real People Magazine issue 11 23rd March 2011
The Victims Article on why some women go out with the type of conman and sociopath when on holiday that they wouldn’t be attracted to when at home (page 9).
Daily Mirror 11th March 2011
Are Cheryl Cole and Jordan unlucky in love because they’re stifled by their mums?
Katy Weitz explores this tricky issue with Relationship Psychologist, Beverley Stone and who gives the ultimate guide for maintaining a healthy mum and daughter relationship…Read more
The “I”
Families: Secrets and lives
Alice-Azania Jarvis considers how it can be tough discovering that the person you thought was your birth parent is no relation at all – but relationship psychologist Beverley Stone considers how it need not destroy the relationship…Read more
The Mirror 5th January 2011
Family pressure, endless nights out and the stresses of Christmas and new year, can all mount up quickly to leave you at the end of your tether…Read more (article by Katy Weitz)
The Independent Business Page Sunday 18 July 1993
My Biggest Mistake
Peter Scawen is vice-president of Information Builders Europe, a leading independent software supplier. MY BIGGEST mistake was not focusing enough energy on the people element of the business in the late 1980s.
In 1990, we brought in an outside consultancy, Stone Cockman Partnership (later Group Dynamics International), and started a total quality management programme…Read more
If you only do one thing this week … learn to survive office politics:
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Women bosses? Are they being judged unfairly?: › Arts & Entertainment
Office politics threatens to undermine UK businesses: › Postgraduate › MBAs Guide